Travel Kindly With North Point Distillers.
Travel Kindly Scotland was launched by Ginspired Scotland to encourage visitors to Scotland to consider their impact on the planet when making their holiday plans. Allowing them to choose Travel Kindly businesses as part of their Scottish Gin Adventure.

Yachts, Gin & Scotland. A Perfect Combination.
Read about Clara’s amazing trip to the Isle of Cumbrae Distillers. Sailing with Flamingo Yacht Charters across the Firth of Clyde heading for Millport Bay. Yachts, Gin and Scotland, sound like the perfect mix.

What Did History Ever Do For Us?
We may not choose to study the past, but we cannot remove ourselves from it’s impact on our day to day existence, can we?

Travel Kindly. Sustainable Holidays in Scotland.
Want to find your way to kinder, more sustainable holidays in Scotland? Ginspired Scotland’s Travel Kindly campaign has loads of ideas to help you! We’re signposting the most environmentally sound ways to enjoy Scottish Gin as part of your next day trip, short break, or full scale holiday, in the world’s most beautiful country.

Making the most of Scottish Food (with a hint of gin!)
Encouraging visitors to ditch convenience when staying in Scotland and instead opt for quality and diverse selections of seafood, meats, cheese, chocolatiers and of course Scottish Gin will truly make your Scottish stay a memorable one.